The stories we tell ourselves

I know.

There are days that your anger and frustration consume you.

Things just aren't working for you anymore, but you don't know where to start. 

You feel stuck and you feel alone. You feel like you're giving too much of yourself. You don't feel like you're doing things right. You just can't seem to say no.

You're so tired, so rather than process life, it's easier to flip on Netflix or go drinking with your friends. 

"I don't have the capacity for this."
"I don't have time."
"I don't have the money."

Then suddenly tomorrow becomes two years later. The discomfort of grief for time lost is weighing you down. You somehow abandoned yourself without ever knowing you were.

Does this story sound familiar to you?


It does to me as well. This story is mine.

And I'm sure this story belongs to a lot of you. 

I spent a lot of years straight up neglecting myself. I hit snooze on being an active member of my life. I gave all my capacity, time, and money to lots of people who didn't deserve it. Because of that, my resentment built up so loudly that I didn't know if I wanted to go on.

Then it happened: I actively chose to put my healing at the top of the list. I decided to fight for me. I made the choice and the universe delivered. Somehow, I found the things I needed: capacitytimemoney, and most of all... courage

Grab a pen, grab a journal and answer this: 

"What would I be doing if I wasn't afraid of the outcome?" 

Let me know what you discover.


You're Invited!


Shame, shame, shame...