Dopamine is your friend

During the heaviest parts of COVID, my journal was my solace. And, often, it still is.

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Journaling my gratitude helps me discover so much about who I am, who I was and who I want to be. Most importantly, it has brought me out of some really dark days when no prescription could. 

The art of practicing gratitude is what helped me to find my purpose in life: giving others a helping hand out of their darkness to live a more empowered, spirituality sound, and self-love filled life. 

I love what I do!

Recently I had the honor of hosting Sacramento’s first ever Grace & Gratitude Journaling Circle! The air was cool & the soft music played as I led a meditation followed by journaling prompts and a group chat after to invite in gratitude. 

Why is gratitude important?

It releases dopamine in our brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which allows us to feel pleasure. It's basically a chemical messenger of feel goodness. The act of practicing gratitude releases dopamine and helps to improve depression, ease anxiety, and improve our self-esteem just to name a few. 

The act of journaling our gratitude helps us narrow in on that. Pen to paper is a form of meditation to help aid in the reducing of stress. 

Sounds good, doesn't it?

Get in a quiet spot and grab a notebook. Take 5 minutes to journal:

"What's a recent accomplishment I proud of?"
"Why I am proud of this?"

A radical act of self-care like this is a bold declaration to yourself and the world that challenges the universe to show you how life gets better.


Shame, shame, shame...


WTF is intuition anyway?